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- /* driver.c - version 2.2 - October 21, 1993 */
- /*
- * The following code is to install and remove RAM drivers in the system
- * heap. Written by Pete Resnick with the help of J. Geagan, Joe Holt,
- * Tom Johnson, Michael A. Libes, Charles Martin, John Norstad, Phil
- * Shapiro, Eric Braun, David Brown and Matthias Urlichs. Feel free to
- * use this in your code, though I do ask that you give credit. Please
- * report any bugs to Pete Resnick - resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu. Please read
- * the README file and check defines in drvrincludes.h before you use
- * this code!!
- *
- * Change Log
- * ----------
- * Date: Change: Who:
- * ----- ------- ----
- * 6/2/92 Changed ThinkCleanup so that it compiles and works pr
- * 6/22/92 Corrected declaration of DisableInterrupts eb
- * 7/1/92 Corrected declaration of DrvrInstall and DrvrRemove eb/pr
- * 10/15/92 Changed Get1SysRsrc to Get1SysXRsrc pr
- * 10/18/92 Got rid of thinkReOpen; just return 1 from close pr
- * Fixed up PtrInZone to make it a little quicker pr
- * 11/6/92 Got rid of auto initialize for newCode and oldCode pr
- * Changed PBxxx calls to PBxxxSync pr
- * 11/8/92 A little cleanup; moved a few things pr
- * 12/17/92 Added HNoPurge to Get1SysXRsrc db/pr
- * 1/24/93 Fixed double deletion of DATA handle and dispose db/pr
- * of code handle -- major changes to all ThinkXXX
- * routines and THINKProc.c
- * 2/5/93 Made DriverAvail a little more efficent pr
- * 2/6/93 Re-wrote all of the Think routines and THINKProc.c pr
- * so that the THINK proc is a pointer instead of a
- * handle (needed for locked drivers).
- * 2/23/93 Passed drvrInstFlags to RemoveRAMDriver from pr
- * InstallRAMDriver error
- * 10/21/93 Check for nil handles in RemoveRAMDriver pr
- * Zero out close block in RemoveRAMDriver
- * Prettified GetDrvrRefNum
- * Moved DisableInterrupts, ResetInterrupts,
- * DrvrInstall, and DrvrRemove from driver.h to
- * drvrincludes.h
- *
- */
- #include "drvrincludes.h" /* Internal use and other include files */
- #include "driver.h" /* To be used in your application */
- /*
- * InstallRAMDriver will install the named driver into the system heap
- * return the driver reference number in refNum. The drvrInstFlags
- * parameter (defined in driver.h) specifies whether to call the
- * driver's open routine, whether the driver is written in THINK C
- * and therefore has a DATA resource, whether the driver has THINK C's
- * multiple segment option turned on, and finally whether the driver
- * is written in THINK C and can be closed and then opened again.
- * THINK C makes some assumptions about owned resources being available
- * which will have to be taken care of. See the ThinkInstall routine to
- * see how it is handled.
- */
- OSErr InstallRAMDriver(Str255 drvrName, short *refNum,
- drvrFlagBits drvrInstFlags)
- {
- register DriverPtr drvrPtr;
- register DCtlPtr ctlEntryPtr;
- ResType rsrcType;
- Handle drvrHandle;
- OSErr errCode;
- short rsrcID, unitNum;
- IOParam openBlock;
- Byte hndlState;
- /* Sanity check the flags */
- if(!(drvrInstFlags & thinkDATA) && (drvrInstFlags & thinkMulSeg))
- return(paramErr);
- /* Don't re-install a device driver */
- if(GetDrvrRefNum(drvrName) != 0)
- return(badUnitErr);
- /* Get the new unit number for the driver */
- errCode = DriverAvail(&unitNum);
- if(errCode != noErr)
- return(errCode);
- /* Get the driver resource in the system heap and non-purgeable */
- errCode = Get1SysXRsrc(&drvrHandle, 'DRVR', 0, 0, drvrName);
- if(errCode != noErr)
- return(dInstErr);
- /* Save the resource ID for later use */
- GetResInfo(drvrHandle, &rsrcID, &rsrcType, drvrName);
- if((errCode = ResError()) == noErr) {
- /* Now detach it */
- DetachResource(drvrHandle);
- errCode = ResError();
- }
- /* Return on errors */
- if(errCode != noErr) {
- ReleaseResource(drvrHandle);
- return(errCode);
- }
- /* Patch the driver if we are using THINK C */
- if(drvrInstFlags & thinkDATA) {
- errCode = ThinkInit(drvrHandle, rsrcID, unitNum, drvrInstFlags);
- /* Return on errors */
- if(errCode != noErr) {
- DisposHandle(drvrHandle);
- return(errCode);
- }
- }
- /* Install DRVR with the refNum. The refNum is the -(unitNum + 1) */
- hndlState = HGetState(drvrHandle);
- HLock(drvrHandle);
- errCode = DrvrInstall(drvrHandle, ~unitNum);
- HSetState(drvrHandle, hndlState);
- /* Cleanup on errors */
- if(errCode != noErr) {
- if(drvrInstFlags & thinkDATA)
- ThinkCleanup(drvrHandle, true);
- DisposHandle(drvrHandle);
- return(errCode);
- }
- /* Move the important information to the driver entry */
- ctlEntryPtr = *(GetDCtlEntry(~unitNum));
- drvrPtr = *(DriverHandle)drvrHandle;
- ctlEntryPtr->dCtlDriver = (Ptr)drvrHandle;
- ctlEntryPtr->dCtlFlags = drvrPtr->drvrFlags | dRAMBased;
- ctlEntryPtr->dCtlDelay = drvrPtr->drvrDelay;
- ctlEntryPtr->dCtlEMask = drvrPtr->drvrEMask;
- ctlEntryPtr->dCtlMenu = drvrPtr->drvrMenu;
- /* Open the driver */
- if(drvrInstFlags & open) {
- openBlock.ioCompletion = nil;
- openBlock.ioNamePtr = drvrName;
- openBlock.ioPermssn = fsCurPerm;
- errCode = PBOpenSync((ParmBlkPtr)&openBlock);
- }
- /* If an error occurred during the open, remove the DRVR */
- if(errCode != noErr)
- RemoveRAMDriver(~unitNum, drvrInstFlags);
- else
- *refNum = ~unitNum;
- return(errCode);
- }
- /*
- * RemoveRAMDriver removes the driver installed in the system heap by
- * InstallRAMDriver. Pass the same flags to RemoveRAMDriver that you
- * did to InstallRAMDriver. If THINK C resources were being used,
- * they will be removed. (See ThinkInit and ThinkCleanup)
- */
- OSErr RemoveRAMDriver(short refNum, drvrFlagBits drvrInstFlags)
- {
- OSErr errCode = noErr;
- Handle drvrHandle, drvrStorage;
- DCtlHandle ctlEntryHndl;
- IOParam closeBlock;
- Byte hndlState;
- /* Get the driver control entry */
- if((ctlEntryHndl = GetDCtlEntry(refNum)) == nil)
- return(unitEmptyErr);
- /* Check for nil handle */
- if(*ctlEntryHndl == nil)
- return(nilHandleErr);
- /* Get the driver handle */
- drvrHandle = (Handle)(**ctlEntryHndl).dCtlDriver;
- /* If the driver is open, close it */
- if((**ctlEntryHndl).dCtlFlags & dOpened) {
- closeBlock.ioCompletion = nil;
- closeBlock.ioResult = 0;
- closeBlock.ioNamePtr = nil;
- closeBlock.ioVRefNum = 0;
- closeBlock.ioRefNum = refNum;
- closeBlock.ioPermssn = 0;
- if((errCode = PBCloseSync((ParmBlkPtr)&closeBlock)) != noErr)
- return(errCode);
- }
- /* Hold onto the driver storage handle */
- drvrStorage = (**ctlEntryHndl).dCtlStorage;
- /* Remove the driver */
- hndlState = HGetState(drvrHandle);
- HLock(drvrHandle);
- errCode = DrvrRemove(refNum);
- HSetState(drvrHandle, hndlState);
- /* Return on errors */
- if(errCode != noErr)
- return(errCode);
- /* Do THINK C stuff */
- if(drvrInstFlags & thinkDATA)
- ThinkCleanup(drvrHandle, drvrStorage != nil);
- /*
- * Since the driver has been detached, it will have to be disposed of
- * since DrvrRemove just does a ReleaseResource on the handle.
- */
- if(drvrHandle != nil)
- DisposHandle(drvrHandle);
- return(noErr);
- }
- /*
- * GetDrvrRefNum simply searches through each driver control entry
- * for a driver with the same name as that specified in drvrName.
- * If found, the reference number is returned. If no driver is found
- * by that name, 0 is returned. Reads the low-memory global UnitNtryCnt.
- */
- short GetDrvrRefNum(Str255 drvrName)
- {
- short unitNum;
- DCtlPtr curDCtlPtr, *curDCtlHndl, **UTableEntry;
- DriverPtr curDrvrPtr;
- /* Start at UTableBase */
- UTableEntry = UTABLEBASE;
- /* Walk through the Unit Table */
- for(unitNum = 0; unitNum < UNITNTRYCNT; ++unitNum) {
- /* Get the entry at this point in the unit table and increment */
- curDCtlHndl = *UTableEntry++;
- if(curDCtlHndl != nil) {
- /* Dereference the control entry */
- curDCtlPtr = *curDCtlHndl;
- /* Get the pointer to the driver */
- curDrvrPtr = (DriverPtr)curDCtlPtr->dCtlDriver;
- /* If this is a RAM driver, it's a handle. ROM is a pointer */
- if((curDCtlPtr->dCtlFlags & dRAMBased) && (curDrvrPtr != nil))
- curDrvrPtr = *(DriverPtr *)curDrvrPtr;
- /* Does the driver name match? */
- if(curDrvrPtr != nil)
- if(EqualString(drvrName, curDrvrPtr->drvrName,
- false, true))
- return(~unitNum);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * GrowUTable increases the size of the driver unit table by newEntries.
- * Interrupts must be disabled during this operation. Changes the
- * low-memory globals UTableBase and UnitNtryCnt.
- */
- OSErr GrowUTable(short newEntries)
- {
- DCtlHandle *newUTableBase;
- short oldSR;
- /* Make room for the new Unit Table */
- newUTableBase =
- (DCtlHandle *)NewPtrSysClear((long)((UNITNTRYCNT + newEntries) *
- sizeof(DCtlHandle)));
- if(MemError() != noErr)
- return(MemError());
- /* Any Device Manager action now would be bad! */
- oldSR = DisableInterrupts();
- /* Move the old Unit Table to the new Unit Table */
- BlockMove(UTABLEBASE, newUTableBase,
- (long)(UNITNTRYCNT * sizeof(DCtlHandle)));
- DisposPtr((Ptr)UTABLEBASE);
- UTABLEBASE = newUTableBase;
- UNITNTRYCNT += newEntries;
- /* Renable interrupts */
- ResetStatusRegister(oldSR);
- return(noErr);
- }
- /*
- * DriverAvail finds the first available slot in the unit table to
- * install the new device driver. It will call GrowUTable if there is
- * not enough room in the current unit table. It will return the first
- * available slot between LOW_UNIT and UP_UNIT. Reads the low-memory
- * global UTableBase and may change as well as read the low-memory global
- * UnitNtryCnt.
- */
- OSErr DriverAvail(short *unitNum)
- {
- short unitIndex;
- Size UTableSize;
- OSErr errCode = noErr;
- #define LOW_UNIT 48 /* First Unit Table Entry to use */
- #define NEW_UNIT 64 /* Size of a "normal" Unit Table */
- #define MAX_UNIT 128 /* Maximum size of a Unit Table */
- #define UP_UNIT 4 /* Size to bounce up Unit Table */
- *unitNum = 0;
- UTableSize = GetPtrSize((Ptr)UTABLEBASE) / sizeof(DCtlHandle);
- /* See if we have less than the minimum number of unit entries */
- /* Try to make Unit Table the standard size */
- if(UTableSize < NEW_UNIT)
- errCode = GrowUTable(NEW_UNIT - UTableSize);
- /* If there is an error, see if there is enough room anyway */
- if(errCode != noErr) {
- if(UTableSize > LOW_UNIT) {
- UTableSize);
- errCode = noErr;
- }
- }
- if(errCode == noErr)
- *unitNum = LOW_UNIT;
- return(errCode);
- }
- /* Look for an empty slot in what's already there */
- for(unitIndex = LOW_UNIT;
- (unitIndex < UNITNTRYCNT) && (*unitNum == 0);
- ++unitIndex)
- if(UTABLEBASE[unitIndex] == nil)
- *unitNum = unitIndex;
- /* Unit Table full up to UnitNtryCnt, so increase it */
- if(*unitNum == 0) {
- /* If there is space in the Unit Table, just up the count */
- if(UTableSize > UNITNTRYCNT) {
- *unitNum = UNITNTRYCNT;
- UTableSize - UNITNTRYCNT :
- /* If there isn't enough space, try to make it bigger */
- } else {
- unitIndex = UNITNTRYCNT;
- errCode = GrowUTable(MAX_UNIT - UNITNTRYCNT < UP_UNIT ?
- if(errCode != noErr)
- return(errCode);
- *unitNum = unitIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- if(*unitNum == 0)
- return(unitTblFullErr);
- else
- return(noErr);
- }
- /*
- * Get1SysXRsrc gets a handle to the requested resource making sure that
- * both the resource itself and the master pointer are in the system heap
- * and non-purgeable. The resource is returned in rsrcHndl. The resource
- * will be retrieved according to resource type and either resource name,
- * or resource index, or resource ID, in that order, whichever is
- * non-zero.
- */
- OSErr Get1SysXRsrc(Handle *rsrcHndl, ResType rsrcType, short rsrcID,
- short rsrcInd, StringPtr rsrcName)
- {
- THz tempZone, tempSysZone;
- OSErr errCode, ptrCode = noErr;
- /* Make sure everything loads in the system heap */
- tempZone = GetZone();
- tempSysZone = SystemZone();
- SetZone(tempSysZone);
- SetResLoad(true);
- /* Get the resource and make sure it is in the system heap */
- do {
- errCode = ptrCode;
- if(rsrcName != nil)
- *rsrcHndl = Get1NamedResource(rsrcType, rsrcName);
- else if(rsrcInd != 0)
- *rsrcHndl = Get1IndResource(rsrcType, rsrcInd);
- else
- *rsrcHndl = Get1Resource(rsrcType, rsrcID);
- if(*rsrcHndl != nil) {
- if(PtrInZone(tempSysZone, (Ptr)*rsrcHndl) &&
- PtrInZone(tempSysZone, (Ptr)**rsrcHndl)) {
- HNoPurge(*rsrcHndl);
- errCode = noErr;
- } else {
- ReleaseResource(*rsrcHndl);
- *rsrcHndl = nil;
- ptrCode = memAZErr;
- }
- } else {
- if((errCode = ResError()) == noErr)
- errCode = resNotFound;
- }
- } while(errCode == noErr && *rsrcHndl == nil);
- /* Restore the zone to what it was */
- SetZone(tempZone);
- return(errCode);
- }
- /*
- * PtrInZone just checks to see whether the specified pointer is within
- * the specified zone.
- */
- Boolean PtrInZone(THz theZone, Ptr thePtr)
- {
- register unsigned long stripMask, testPtr, dataStart, dataLim;
- stripMask = (unsigned long)StripAddress((void *)0xFFFFFFFF);
- dataStart = (unsigned long)&theZone->heapData & stripMask;
- dataLim = (unsigned long)theZone->bkLim & stripMask;
- testPtr = (unsigned long)thePtr & stripMask;
- return((testPtr < dataLim) && (testPtr >= dataStart));
- }
- /*
- * THINK C uses a DATA resource for storage and DCOD resources for
- * multiple segments in device drivers. THINK C makes two pretty bad
- * assumptions about these resources: (a) that the resource file will
- * be open when the resources are needed; and (b) that the resources
- * will be "owned" by the driver. Resource ownership is described in
- * Inside Macintosh I, but the important point is that the driver assumes
- * that its unit table number will correspond to its own resource ID and
- * to the resource ID's of resources it owns. Since the driver is going
- * to be installed in the first free unit table entry and will be detached
- * in the system heap, both of these assumptions are bad. To correct
- * these problems, the THINK C driver glue is patched. A pointer to a
- * small block of code is loaded into the system heap. Occurances of
- * GetResource calls in the THINK C driver glue are replaced by calls to
- * the new routine. The handles to the DATA (and DCOD) resource(s) are
- * stored along with the routine. So, when THINK C goes looking for its
- * owned resource(s), the appropriate handle(s) are returned instead.
- *
- * ThinkInit gets all of the resources needed and installs the patch to
- * the THINK C glue. It takes as parameters the handle to the driver that
- * is to be patched, the original resource ID of the driver (to figure out
- * the resource ID's of the DATA and DCOD resources), the current unit
- * table number, and the drvrInstFlags.
- */
- OSErr ThinkInit(Handle drvrHandle, short rsrcID, short unitNum,
- drvrFlagBits drvrInstFlags)
- {
- Handle codeHandle = nil;
- Ptr codePtr;
- Size codeSize;
- OSErr errCode;
- /* Get the new procedure code */
- codeHandle = Get1Resource('PROC', THINK_PROC);
- if(codeHandle == nil) {
- if((errCode = ResError()) == noErr)
- errCode = resNotFound;
- return(errCode);
- }
- /* Add the DATA resource to the end of the code handle */
- errCode = ThinkAddRsrcs(codeHandle, 'DATA', rsrcID, unitNum);
- if(errCode == noErr) {
- /* Add the DCOD resources if this is a multi-segment driver */
- if(drvrInstFlags & thinkMulSeg)
- errCode = ThinkAddRsrcs(codeHandle, 'DCOD', rsrcID, unitNum);
- if(errCode == noErr) {
- /* Create a pointer in the system heap to hold the code */
- codeSize = GetHandleSize(codeHandle);
- codePtr = NewPtrSys(codeSize);
- if(codePtr == nil)
- errCode = memFullErr;
- else
- BlockMove(*codeHandle, codePtr, codeSize);
- }
- /* Cleanup on errors */
- if(errCode != noErr) {
- HLock(codeHandle);
- ThinkRmvRsrcs(*codeHandle, true, true);
- }
- }
- /* Get rid of the code resource */
- ReleaseResource(codeHandle);
- if(errCode != noErr)
- return(errCode);
- /* Patch the driver code for the DATA resource. */
- errCode = ThinkChangeCode(drvrHandle, codePtr, 'DATA');
- /* If there are multiple segments, take care of them */
- if((errCode == noErr) && (drvrInstFlags & thinkMulSeg))
- errCode = ThinkChangeCode(drvrHandle, codePtr, 'DCOD');
- /* Cleanup on errors */
- if(errCode != noErr)
- ThinkRmvRsrcs(codePtr, false, true);
- return(errCode);
- }
- /*
- * ThinkChangeCode changes the piece of the THINK C device driver glue
- * that has been compiled into the driver code. The call to _GetResource
- * that retrieves the driver's owned resources is replaced by a procedure
- * call (JSR) to some new code. The procedure that is to be called
- * instead, which is compiled separately and must be in this resource
- * file, is loaded into the system heap and its address is patched into
- * the driver code.
- */
- OSErr ThinkChangeCode(Handle drvrHandle, Ptr codePtr, ResType theType)
- {
- OSErr errCode = noErr;
- CodeChunk oldCode, newCode;
- long *chunkPtr;
- /* Fill in oldCode with what the THINK C glue looks like now */
- chunkPtr = (long *)&oldCode;
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x50F80A5E; /* ST ResLoad */
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x598F2F3C; /* SUBQ.L #4,A7 ; MOVE.L Imm.L,-(A7) */
- *chunkPtr++ = theType; /* ResType for _GetResource */
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x3F00A9A0; /* MOVE.W D0,-(A7) ; _GetResource */
- *(short *)chunkPtr = 0x201F; /* MOVE.L (A7)+,D0 */
- /* Fill in newCode with what we want the THINK C glue to look like */
- chunkPtr = (long *)&newCode;
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x598F2F3C; /* SUBQ.L #4,A7 ; MOVE.L Imm.L,-(A7) */
- *chunkPtr++ = theType; /* ResType for the handle */
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x3F004EB9; /* MOVE.W D0,-(A7) ; JSR Imm.L */
- *chunkPtr++ = (long)codePtr; /* Code address for JSR */
- *(short *)chunkPtr = 0x201F; /* MOVE.L (A7)+,D0 */
- /* Search for the appropriate call to GetResource and fix it */
- if(Munger(drvrHandle, 0L,
- &oldCode, sizeof(CodeChunk),
- &newCode, sizeof(CodeChunk)) < 0)
- return(paramErr);
- else
- return(noErr);
- }
- /*
- * ThinkAddRsrcs adds the appropriate resource handle(s), ID(s), and an
- * indicator for type (0 for DATA and 1 for DCOD) to the end of the code
- * that is passed in so that they can be found when the code is called.
- */
- OSErr ThinkAddRsrcs(Handle codeHandle, ResType theType, short rsrcID,
- short unitNum)
- {
- OSErr errCode = noErr;
- short index;
- RsrcRec resRec;
- Str255 rsrcName;
- /* Find out how many resources of the type there are */
- index = Count1Resources(theType) - 1;
- if(index < 0)
- return(resNotFound);
- do {
- /* Get the indexed resource */
- errCode = Get1SysXRsrc(&resRec.rsrc, theType, 0, index + 1, nil);
- if(errCode == noErr) {
- GetResInfo(resRec.rsrc, &resRec.id, &theType, rsrcName);
- /*
- * If the GetResInfo failed or the ID says that this is not
- * owned by the driver, get rid of the resource. Otherwise
- * detach it.
- */
- if(((errCode = ResError()) != noErr) ||
- (((resRec.id & 0x0FE0) >> 5) != rsrcID)) {
- ReleaseResource(resRec.rsrc);
- } else {
- DetachResource(resRec.rsrc);
- if((errCode = ResError()) == noErr) {
- /* Set the saved resource ID to what it "should" be */
- resRec.id &= ~0x0FE0;
- resRec.id |= (unitNum << 5);
- resRec.typ = theType;
- /* Add the handle to the end of the code */
- errCode = PtrAndHand(&resRec, codeHandle,
- sizeof(resRec));
- if(errCode != noErr)
- DisposHandle(resRec.rsrc);
- } else {
- ReleaseResource(resRec.rsrc);
- }
- }
- }
- } while((errCode == noErr) && (--index != -1));
- return(errCode);
- }
- /*
- * ThinkCleanup gets rid of the THINK C detached resources.
- */
- void ThinkCleanup(Handle drvrHandle, Boolean rmvDATA)
- {
- CodeChunk newCode, *drvrChunk;
- long codeOffset = 0L, codeSize, *chunkPtr;
- Ptr codePtr = nil;
- /* Fill in newCode with what the fixed THINK C glue looks like */
- chunkPtr = (long *)&newCode;
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x598F2F3C; /* SUBQ.L #4,A7 ; MOVE.L Imm.L,-(A7) */
- *chunkPtr++ = 'DATA'; /* ResType for the handle */
- *chunkPtr++ = 0x3F004EB9; /* MOVE.W D0,-(A7) ; JSR Imm.L */
- *chunkPtr++ = 0L; /* Code address for JSR */
- *(short *)chunkPtr = 0x201F; /* MOVE.L (A7)+,D0 */
- codeSize = sizeof(newCode) -
- (sizeof(newCode.p3) + sizeof(newCode.inst7));
- /* Look for an occurance of "fixed" driver glue */
- do {
- codeOffset = Munger(drvrHandle, codeOffset, &newCode,
- codeSize, nil, 0);
- /* If we found something ... */
- if(codeOffset >= 0) {
- drvrChunk = (CodeChunk *)*drvrHandle + codeOffset;
- /* Make sure the last instruction matches */
- if(drvrChunk->inst7 == newCode.inst7)
- codePtr = drvrChunk->p3.codePtr;
- }
- } while((codePtr == nil) && (codeOffset >= 0));
- if(codePtr != nil) {
- ThinkRmvRsrcs(codePtr, false, rmvDATA);
- DisposPtr(codePtr);
- }
- }
- /*
- * ThinkRmvRsrcs disposes of the handles attached to the end of the code
- * pointer (unless the handle is marked as the DATA resource has already
- * been disposed of by the driver glue) and sets them to nil.
- */
- void ThinkRmvRsrcs(Ptr codePtr, Boolean isHandle, Boolean rmvDATA)
- {
- Size codeSize;
- RsrcRec *resPtr;
- if(isHandle)
- codeSize = GetHandleSize(RecoverHandle(codePtr));
- else
- codeSize = GetPtrSize(codePtr);
- /* Find the end of the code resource and work back until done */
- resPtr = (RsrcRec *)(codePtr + codeSize);
- while((--resPtr)->rsrc != nil) {
- if(rmvDATA || resPtr->typ != 'DATA')
- DisposHandle(resPtr->rsrc);
- resPtr->rsrc = nil;
- }
- }